Friday, November 19, 2010

New Work

I just completed a four foot painting I had been working on for a past month, which is the biggest I have ever attempted. It is my first in the series I have begun which relates to catholic prayer cards. I am discussing how people view themselves pursuing their goals/or occupations in life, as to that of Catholic saints. It is a way to analyze how people perceive themselves to get through each day of their lives, and how we believe that some how our actions will obtain a greater good. Catholics look to the saints as a model of how to live their lives, as well as how to achieve their ultimate goal of a greater afterlife. I also have a strong interest in the symbolism of prayer cards due to my Catholic upbringing, so I am working to recreate a work of art that references those images. I am going to mount this piece on a gold backing next week so it will read more as a prayer card and then put it in a black floating frame.